Minutes of Holme Rovers Football Club 11/03/18

27/03/2018 14:34

Present:  A. Brook, R. Brook, C. Burke, S. Clayton, H. Gant, S. Gant, K. Harrison, P. Harrison, K. Kay,   B. Pearson, C. Rackham, I. Simpson and A. Willcock

Apologies: J. Foster, J.Hill, K. Hinch, J.Lindley, H. Pearson, N. Spooner, G.Theakstone, J. Townsend, R.Wilson and M. Wright


Bag pack Tesco booked for September. SG

Applied to Tesco ‘’blue token’’. SG

Organise bingo night for start of next season. KH/AB

Write to Parochial Charity thanking for their donation of £750. RB

Race Night 22/9. PH

Brick money to be paid in. HP/RB


Football dinner 15th June monies [£40 ticket] to be paid to PH/KH.


Look at Howden for training next season. RB/SC

Coaches required for mini soccer season 18/19 and players required. RB/HG/SG

Sponsorship. SG/RB

Trophies to be ordered for end of season presentation. All


Build and payment of extension. RB/PH/SG


Club still progressing the rental of field from Parochial Charity. RB


Fit metal doors to Tractor Shed. PH

Organise work to be carried out to pitches for this year. RB



New grill grates outside changing rooms. MW

Digging out of dykes. P        

Dugouts to be sited. PH/RB

Organise May 19th for junior presentation and opening of Pavilion. RB/SG/HP

New Occupational Lease require from Village Hall. PH

Attain Charter Standard Status for 18/19. AB

Avril Brook
