Minutes of Holme Rovers Football Club 09/09/18
Present: A. Brook, R. Brook, C. Burke, S. Gant, P. Harrison, R. Lindley, B. Pearson, I. Simpson and N. Spooner
Apologies: S. Clayton, B. Delves, R. Dowson, T. Doyle, J. Foster, H. Gant, K. Harrison, J. Hill, K. Hinch, A. Johnson, K. Kay, J. Lindley, J. Newton, H. Pearson, C. Rackham, S. Roberts, G. Theakstone, A.Willcock and R.Wilson
Applied to Tesco due October/November ‘’blue token’’. SG
Organise bingo night for near xmas speak to Derek to book date KH/AB
Race Night booked 22/9. PH
Brick money to be paid in. HP/RB
Draw final money from FA for Pavilion. RB
Monies to be paid to Yorkshire Air Ambulance from charity match. HD/RB
Training organised at Market Weighton School. SG
Re-site shelters and repair them. All
Repair away shower. BP
Coaches required for season 18/19 and players required. AB/SG
Sponsorship. SG/RB
Agreed at meeting that one under 9’s team would be disbanded so as to ensure the running of still one under 9’s team. SG/RB
Team info. onto website. All junior managers
Kits to be orderd.SG
Build and payment of extension. RB/PH/SG
Some odd jobs to be carried out. BP
Separate meeting held before this meeting with some representatives of the Parish Council and Steve Young. Actions from this meeting to be progressed. RB
Spray and cut the surround area of field. RB
Await Rigby Taylors pitch recommendations. RB
Level 1 Coaching Badge. RL/ NG/CR/JH/JN
Level 2 Coaching Badge. B.D.
EUFA Coaching Badge. S.C.
Digging out of dykes. PH
Update committee club structure.RB
Defib Training/Basic Awareness.SR
DBS checks for R.Brook, B. Pearson and Nathan. BP
Safeguarding course to be done. RB/NS
Avril Brook