Minutes of Holme Rovers Football Club 08/01/17
Present: A. Brook, R. Brook, C. Burke, J. Foster, H. Gant, S. Gant, K. Harrison, A Dunham, G. Wallace and M. Wright.
Apologies: A. Budd, S. Clayton, B. Delves, P. Harrison, L. Green, K. Harrison, J. Hill, K. Hinch, H. Pearson, B. Pearson, C. Rackham, G. Reid, G. Robinson, N. Spooner, G. Theakstone, J. Townsend and R. Wallace
KH spoke on behalf of PH
Discussed race night- PH has booked race night 4/3/17 but due to unforeseen circumstances PH is going to change the date.
Senior dinner dance – venue still to be sorted as suggested venues of Oaks and Cave Castle are not available on date required.
Fines system- PH to write up memo for senior teams in regard to new system that is in place.
RB-Discussed expenditure- pitch marking, pavilion, car parking, floodlights. PH to get forms from Howden Joinery with regard to new kitchen.
Senior pitch- discussed about digging pitch up PH to look at costing RB to speak to Rigby Taylor.
Water logged junior pitches- RB to look into drainage system
HG gave update on junior pitches -commented on two pitches are currently playable need to rotate teams/times. Discussed new plan for all teams to play on pitches.
Fencing- looking at fencing on back of field PH/HG
Dykes digging out of PH.
GW- commented on the website renewal spoke of costings £105-16 for 2 years. Discussed having shop on website to sell club merchandise.
Goal keeping- looking at running some goal keeping training/coaching. Going to approach Craig Burke, Sam Clayton, James Hill. CB suggested keeping sessions on home ground.
Training- next season develop lesson plans to coaching sessions so good practice can be shared. GW to sit with coaches/managers.
Courses/DBS- people still waiting to do their DBS within the club, managers JH still needs to book on coaching course.
SG inquired about Nathan doing DBS with his age going to contact Steve Lazenby at FA
Under 14’s- AD commented on under 14’s requires match balls/training ball size 5, where under14’s are to play next season, need to organise some friendlies for rest of season.
Age group tournaments- to hold mini tournaments depending on volunteers. GW is going to create list of what is required i.e. match balls, first aid, bibs etc.
SG- discussed about bringing in new players, going into schools to discuss Holme Rovers [ Market Weighton and Bubwith School]
SG- spoke of referee course for Kai Birch
RB-discussed quotes of new kitchen on pavilion, is going to speak to both vice chairmen to move it forward after meeting with FA on 18th January.
Village hall- discussed costing of electric/heating
AB- booked bingo night 17th February. Has to be re-scheduled due to absences of club members. Re-arranged for 24th February.
SG- commented on donations being made by Tesco’s, Sainsbury’s. It was suggested in approaching these companies a blanket letter needs to be created on headed paper.
Grapevine- completed article for club make thanks to McDonalds, Mike wright, Nathan and McColls.
Club to put in a new offer to Parochial Charity. RB
Avril Brook